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Yoga in all of its varied aspects has been a truly massive inspiration in Adam's life. It is for this reason that in 2003 he was compelled to begin to teach this multi-faceted Art, Science and Philosophy. Serious lower back problems led him to yoga in 1996. Yoga initially served as an uplifting, healing medium for his lower back pain & quickly evolved into to an improved awareness of self and the environment around him. Yoga continues to serve as this powerful medium of connection in his life & it is this connection that continues to inspire him to teach and assist people in their personal journey.


Adam's classes today are integrated, incorporating varied teachings as over the years his fascination with the body and mind has led him to extensive studies with yoga and other varied health and healing art forms. From Sports Science studies at University multiple bodywork, massage and healing techniques to breath work and meditation courses, energy vibration & sound techniques as well as Psychology of the mind studies. Adam has actively worked with children, teenagers, sportsmen & women, the elderly, mums and pregnant women privately, in groups and in workshops. 


Contact Adam

Email :

Mobile : 0412 926 372

Adam Grok

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